Import mojo Class Application Extends App Field a:Float Field b:Float Field c:Float Field e:Float Field i:Int=1000 Field s:Int=20 Field x:Float=0 Field y:Float=0 Field x1:Float=0 Field y1:Float=0 Field n:Int Field shoot:Bool=True Field px:Float Field py:Float Field in:Bool=False Field count:Int Field red:Int Field green:Int Field blue:Int Field w:Int=100 Field cf:Int Method OnCreate() SetUpdateRate 60 End Method OnUpdate() If MouseDown=True Then in=False w=98 End If End Method OnRender() If in=False Or count>500 Then w+=1 shoot=false If w>100 then shoot=True count=0 Seed+=Millisecs() a=Rnd(-1,1) b=Rnd(-1,1) c=Rnd(-1,1) e=Rnd(0,1) cf=Rnd(-5,5) x=0 y=0 x1=0 y1=0 w=0 SetColor 64,64,64 DrawRect 0,0,DeviceWidth,DeviceHeight End if End If If shoot=True Then count+=1 in=False For n=1 To i px=(x*s)+(DeviceWidth*0.5) py=(y*s)+(DeviceHeight*0.5) red=Abs(Float(255)/Float(500*i)*Float(count*n)*cf) blue=Abs(255-(Float(255)/Float(DeviceWidth)*Abs(DeviceWidth*0.5-px)))-red green=Abs(255-(Float(255)/Float(DeviceHeight)*Abs(DeviceHeight*0.5-py)))-red SetColor red,green,blue If px>0 And px<DeviceWidth And py>0 And py<DeviceHeight Then DrawPoint px,py End If If px>(DeviceWidth*0.25) And px<(DeviceWidth*0.75) And py>(DeviceHeight*0.25) And py<(DeviceHeight*0.75) Then in=True End If x1=y-Sgn(x)*Pow((Abs(b*x+c)),e) y1=a-x x=x1 y=y1 Next End if End End 'FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------------------------------- Function Main() New Application() End